Nomadic Toys Interactive Film

An interactive film project I made with Japanese artist Shizuyo Takasugi

Nomadic Toys Interactive Film

This is a project I did the first time I was in Japan. I met Shizuyo when she was exhibiting her art. I was fascinated by her works, and asked if she would be interested in doing a film project together. Initially the idea was to create a documentary film, however as we started exploring together it became clear that we were more interested in making an art film.

Shizuyo's work has a particular focus on interaction. She wants people to experience her art by playing with it. Because of this philosophy of hers I ended up with the idea of extending this philosophy into the film project. So please play!

It is the first time I made an interactive film, so it is simple and a bit rough around the edges. I hope to continue to explore this medium with the things I have learned from this project, and make more refined interactive films in the future.

Unfortunately this film is only works on PC's, so no phone or tablets for now.

Click here to experience the project!

CodingVideographyMusicArtCreative Coding